Hello, It's Madge checking in. We've had a lovely hibernation, how was yours? now that spring is well underway and we're all starting to gear up for summer I wanted to share with you some of the fun we've been having!
I got to play an acoustic set at Sofar Sounds NYC office to an incredible group of music fans. I can't remember the last time I played to a completely focused and attentive crowd of silent, phone-less people! It was pretty amazing and totally nerve wracking, but I'm so happy I did it. Check out the video of Better Off, which will be out on the new EP this fall.
We had the pleasure of opening up for Radkey at Knitting Factory which was a total blast. First off Radkey are really fun live, second, Knitting Factory is a solid venue to play at (good sound fun staff
This is Mike
He Plays Guitar with us sometimes :) His band is called Nihiloceros
Enjoy some other photos from our escapades, including our band tattoos as part of the Planned Parenthood fundraiser we participated in.
So that's all for now, touch base soon
- Madge